miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

10 Years in future

Sometimes I think about the future,

In ten years I can´t be sure if I´ll still be alive, and, I´ve got to be honest, for me is not a big deal.

Anyways, for be more realistic I´m almost sure I´ll have a job and already had finished my college career, because I need money to do what I like to do and I don´t like the idea of maintained by my parents if they´re alive too.

Most of my friends from other countries leave their parents at 18 years old, so why I wouldn´t?

I would like to work in 3D animation, perhaps in other country could be easier to find a job and if I can choose I would like to go to another place where they don´t speak spanish or english.

But by then surely I will have done some postgraduate in animation, may have studied about three more years in a master´s degree.

Maybe I´ll have a partner, I hope I won´t have kids, but mostly I hope he/she doesn´t have kids.

We will not live together, because my life goal in future is to travel the world everytime I can. Maybe with my family, my partner or alone.

I hope that in the future traveling is cheaper, it is also possible that most people would be vegan or at least vegetaian, and we care more about the enviroment. I doubt if there will be a great change in Chile...

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