miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


For my 18th birthday, that was january 26, I was in three airports: the first in Perú, the second in México an the tgirth one in Cuba. It would be my second time there so we,my aunt and my cousins, already met big part of La Habanna and we dedicated to travel to farther places that we still hadn´t visited.

In my years before I´ve never expected that I would be celebrating my 18th birthday in an airport, don´t get me wrong, I almost knew I would be at least in another city because I´m too shy to make parties and invite people to my house and I needed a good excuse to make my parents abandon that idea of me being sociable.

Anyways, even if my plan wen´t well and I didn´t have to make a party, it wasn´t that good. 

Everyone thinks that travel is wonderful and I would be more grateful about it,but taking airplanes and stay in the airport waiting to be attended is very exsausting, boring, and stressful. By the end of my birthday I had to comfort myself thinking about what i was gong to do the next day because no one was in the mood to celebrate in a disco that I was already "legal" to enter there. 

Then I just conviced myself that these would be the best vacations ever and that every day would be my birthday even if I thought I would be the protagonist of this trip. 

I like to think that I´m a very creative person and I got a lot of imagination,so every time I felt sad on that trip I remembered that not every one spends his birthday in three countries (Perú, México and Cuba) and certainly not every one have the power to feel themselfs as the "star of the show" even if they don´t have public.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Love Villians

The first time I saw this character in the TV screen, I didn´t thought he would cause me so many feelings.

When I watch movies were is easy to define the good and bad sides, most of the time I find myself waiting for the villian to win. Maybe is because I can´t feel represented with honest, confident, strong, good, or even "inocent" heroes. There is something that I don´t like about Harry Potter, everything is about him, he is nearly a Mary Sue. But there is still a character that got my attention, Draco Lucius Malfoy. I met him when I watched for the first time at the TV, few years ago.

Draco Malfoy  chiquibabysuperstarsisisiQUEEN.

Just to make it clear, I wasn´t prepared to write a super detailed thesis, I´m not even consider myself a fan. So If you don´t agree with me, I´ll say: Congratulations! You´re completely right so here is your reward.

Talking about Draco´s life I could say it´s not a path of roses. He´s got a social status to keep, their parents are very strict, his family could be a typical conservative and right-wing family in the real life. Etc. They even taught him to believe firmly in the importance of blood purity.

All of this, even his way of being reminds me of my classmates, so it´s really interesting how Draco´s story, in a realistic way, is constantly repeated not among my friends of secondary school, but also many people in the world.

Unlike Harry Potter, that his story is much more fanciful.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


At least is not that cold.

Almost every year my family goes on vacation to Arica,wich is in the north and is the limit city between Perú and Chile.

The weather there is fantastic, stable because the sea is so near of the house of my aunt were we stay most of the time. In Arica you can visit the Chinchorro mummies, the beaches, the "Morro" and.. maybe just that, but Tacna -nearest peruvian city- got cheap things and we all going on shopping there.

Arica got many beaches. The difference between them is the amount of jellyfish, the color and shape of the sand, and if the water is cold or "not that cold".

In Chile there is NOT warm or at least decently normal temperature water in beaches. Last year I went to Colombia, and Cuba in this last summer vacations and I know what I say when I accuse my country for being like a freezer in all its coast.

But, back to the point, my favorite beach in Arica is called "Chinchorro". Since I remember, I always go on summer to swim, take sunbaths while reading books like "Pride and Prejudice"-my new tradition that I addopted two years ago-, and make sandcastles.. 

Maybe is because of the distance from my aunt´s home and is one of the least cold beaches in the region, it also got less jellyfish than the others, and the sand is too thin and soft. Well, I like/love that beach for all those reasons and more!

Yup, still the best.

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

Dinner dishes

Charquiyuyo story.


For a special date as the father´s/mother´s day of this year or something likely, my family got a homemade dinner, usually we go to restaurants to celebrate. Anyways, my sister. Javiera, cooked this time a very particular dish, it was "charquicán de cochayuyo" I mean (image representantion).

But! It was excellent, I think we all tought that my sister couldn´t make it, or maybe just my impression, so I was surprised that I actually liked it.

That night we didn´t have fights, is not like we usually have, but I only think about my mom and my dog.. and we´re four brothers (Pablo, Javiera,Valeria and me) plus my parents (Patito bonito and Nibaldo). 

I knew what was going to happen if we congratulate her for her habilities in cook, but it wouldn´t be polite. 

She talked about it for weeks, well she don´t talk, she screams. She even cooked it again, I think twice.

It wouldn´t be memorable if she had been a peaceful and modest and mature person.

I only want to say that hate is not love´s opposite.