martes, 10 de septiembre de 2019


Since I watched Naruto for the first time, when I was like 8 years old, I´ve been very interested in Boys Love, Slash, Yaoi, etc. Until now I prefer to watch gay movies than tipical heteroboring series, movies or even books.

My fanatism brought me to Yaoi groups in Facebook where people talked about their favorite BL (boys love) series, books, movies or comics. 

By the beginning of the year 2017 a comic in particular became popular. It was called "Killing stalking", to stum up, a stalker fell in love for a killer, of course it ends badly.

THAT´S OBVIOUS, I know, I mean, maybe I forgot yesterday because I ended up crying so bad in the bathroom.

So, this is the best comic (manhwa) I ever read in my life until now. Make you choose sides, it makes you have thoughts that you know are wrong, always waiting in suspense, etc.

The creator of the comic, and my depression, is called Koogi, there is not much information about her, she wrote and illustrated the all 67 chapters of the comic. 

If the comic is pretty sad, depressive, strange, raw, and creepy. How is she? how is her personality? Hited the spot in everything because she knew what to give us? 

You may not agree, but sickly love (only when it is not real, as in books) told in a certain way, can be very attractive to many girls. I don´t know why.

There is so much to ask her about her work, favorite activities and even where she studied. Even the few information about her would be a question.

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